Super Testbed 2023

Art Korea Lab/Interactive Kinetic Lab


Fish Eggs

This project, which participated in the Art Korea Lab Super Test Bed 2023, was presented with two main outcomes focusing on 'complementation' and 'experimentation'.

아트코리아랩 슈퍼테스트베드 2023에 참여한 본 프로젝트는 ‘보완’과 ‘실험’에 초점을 맞춘 총 2개의 결과물로 발표되었다.

⓵ Fish Eggs (Kinetic Robot Artwork):

This is an experiment conducted with the goal of addressing the flaws and improving the stability of kinetic artwork ‘Fish eggs’ in 2022. 

2022년 키네틱 작품 ‘Fish Eggs’의 결함과 안정성을 보완하는 것을 목표로 진행된 실험이다.

2022 → 2023

  • Process

Structure design

Sample assembly

3D printing

Resin coating

Eyeball fabrication

Component assembly

Code upload

Final assembly

Display and operation

② Extrusion(Interactive Artwork Integrated with Computer Vision):

This is an experiment that combines a robotic arm, which interacts actively with the audience based on computer vision, with body sculpture.

컴퓨터 비전을 기반으로 관객과 능동적으로 상호작용하는 로봇암을 조각에 결합한 실험이다

First esquisse

  • Process

Idea Sketch

Robot Arm Selection

Design Development

3D Design

Steel Structure

Sculptural Modeling

Robot Arm Assembly

Electrical Circuit

Webcam Face Tracking

Motor Integration

Robot Arm Mounting

Display and operation


Geoepic 3D Website