ARKO TECH x ART Research 2021

Research on enhancing the independence and accessibility of VR art(Kor Only)

To enhance the independence and accessibility of VR art, software-based solutions were employed to utilize external sensors, and related manuals were developed. Additionally, user experience surveys were conducted on various installation methods for VR artworks as hardware-based solutions. (KOR version Only)

VR 예술작품의 독립성과 접근성 향상을 위해 소프트웨어적 해결방법으로 외부센서 사용 및 관련 매뉴얼을 제작하였고, 하드웨어적 해결방법으로 VR 작품의 다양한 설치 방법에 대한 사용자 경험 조사를 진행했다.


The Creator Workshop


2023 ArtKoreaLab Sepertestbed (Copy)